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Bom Stickle 11:39 Sat Nov 12
Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
We need to stand up to the club regarding the ongoing resentment and treatment of its fans. First we had the 200 fans that have received bans without being shown any evidence or explanation of why their ST's have been revoked, after this we had fans in 114 moved against their wishes and now we have the yellow cap snatch squad, who's members were employed requesting a cage fighting background and sent into section 127 to harass and provoke loyal fans and should be the last straw for what has (so far) been an ill thought out stadium transition.

We need a show of solidarity to fellow fans without affecting the team. Therefore at the Arsenal match please refrain from taking to your seat until just after the match has started, show the owners and Brady what a big stadium looks like with no fans and no noise (not even bubbles). On your way to the seat please let Brady & Co know how we feel, but after that please back the team all through the game, whether seated or standing be as noisy as you can.

This will be the easiest and cheapest protest to organise with the large numbers involved and will look very effective on TV with a completely empty home section at kick off and will hopefully get the message across for the club and stadium operators to work with us not against.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Athletico Easthamico 1:03 Mon Dec 5
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Andy Bywater ‏@blueajb1965 16h
@LukeyMalden @Phasp your supporters need to all stand up they can't throw everyone out your clubs getting ruined..shambles

That's from a Chelsea fan!! Wake up all!!

wanstead_hammer 10:55 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Giving out the leaflets sounds like the way forward after yesterday didn't come off properly. (Was worth a go though).
Sure theres plenty of us who can give em out to mates/relations who in turn can give em out in pubs/work in all different West Ham areas before they travel in to Stratford on a targeted match day.
And to supporters on the way to the ground.

And what's all that about now, snidey cunts taking sneaky photos of supporters. prob trying to line more bans up.
Another one for the growing list of no-nos.

GreenStreetPlayer 10:53 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
While they attempt the odd rare token gesture with maximum publicity, the board have absolutely no idea how to treat people, of all ranks.

For all that money they lack class. something they will never have, or know how to achieve.

Particularly those near Peschsolido, just turn round in your seats and stare at her for a minute in silence. Could even shout you are never West Ham. Silence does speak volumes though.

Having made a number of people very uncomfortable here under her watch, time to embarrass her and her guest next to her will wonder what the hell is going on.

Johnson 10:52 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
No ornchurch, the cunts in charge said history started the day of the first game.

Hence why West Ham United is dead, they are only interested in West Ham London now.

Athletico Easthamico 10:49 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Johnson 10:44 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I stayed on the concourse for 10 mins and pretty much everyone went down for kick off.

I counted about 15 of us. Not very impressive.

ornchurch ammer 10:47 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Cotten said at the Hornchurch show last Friday that he has paid full whack for both his tickets.

Worse for me though was that Parkes said that after 12 years of doing the lounges at UP he has not been asked to go to the OS. nor gave any other ex players. Supporters who do the corporate like to meet and chat to the ex players and that it is an attraction of paying for these lounges. If there are no ex players there then what is the attraction? Plus why do they not want anything pre the OS at the OS? Transferring the history is a major part of us settling in quickly surely?

Johnson 10:44 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I stayed on the concourse for 10 mins and pretty much everyone went down for kick off.

I won't be going back there till Palace now unless a proper protest is planned against the disgraceful cunts who've killed our club.

Unfortunately though I think it's already dead, couldn't even muster a decent rendition of bubbles yesterday.

ornchurch ammer 10:35 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Should have gone for everyone walking out 5 minutes before half time or getting back to their seat 10 minutes in to the second half. A lot do that as standard so with the demonstrators joining in it would have had a massive impact.

Hammer and Pickle 9:34 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I believe Brady is in charge and the Daves have given up.

chim chim cha boo 9:31 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal

We're not talking about Mauricio Taricco or Marco Boogers are we? We're talking about one of our best strikers ever.

Would it really kill them to give players like that a season ticket? Especially as he could glad-hand some of the punters in the stadium as he took his seat. I know I'd be made up to have shaken his hand.

These owners of ours seem to know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

CaptainBlueAndClaret 9:17 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
chim chim cha boo,

RE: "I felt a bit silly as I took my seat as I couldn't see anyone else in the whole stadium doing it."

You made the effort and that is what really counts...

, 9:15 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
No problem for us that Cottee has to buy a ticket surely?

chim chim cha boo 8:37 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I walked in five minutes late last night as I'd promised to do it. I ambled in at 5.35 and the game was only three minutes old because of the minutes silence so I walked out onto the concourse where I could watch what time it was on the big screen.

I felt a bit silly as I took my seat as I couldn't see anyone else in the whole stadium doing it. Shame really but I'm still glad I did it as I sit in front of the director's box.

A pal of mine ran into Tony Cottee before the game. They got talking and TC said that the owners hardly endear themselves to most of our ex-players and showed him the season ticket that he'd had to buy. No discount either. Same goes for most ex-players apparently.

So we're just one of the many groups of people who the board shit on. Basically, take a ticket and join the queue near the back.

Athletico Easthamico 7:41 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Perhaps Social Media is not as powerful after all

As said, leaflet people on the way to the ground and supporters showing posters with FANS NOT BANS on them.

A few thousand should get noticed and they can be smuggled in unlike a giant banner.

Lily Hammer 5:50 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
A big problem was that there was no clearly defined point of the protest, but a few gripes rolled into one.

Personally, I think Brady Out is not the place to start.

First things first, and I'd say the first point of protest should be "Who hired the thugs on (remember remember) 5th November?"

As Di Kezio suggested, it would be best to get this out by photyocopying loads of pictures of the yellow caps and a little text as possible, raising the issue and demanding an answer from the club/stadium operators. Don't let them get away with denying it, as they have been doing.

If and when we get an answer on that, then we know who should be "out." It's not a 100% certainty that Brady hired these unmarked snatch squads. If we can force an answer out of those responsible, and it turns out ot was Brady, then you have justified reason for a Brady Out protest.

First things first. Who hired them? That person out. Then pushing for safe standing and a proper family section, that I think should consist of the first 5-10 rows all around the pitch, so they can sit and the rest can stand behind them. Kids always used to be passed over heads down to the front, and so it should still be.

Eindhoven Hammer 4:08 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
No, flags or banners not banned but my one saying Sack Brady Now is.

Eric Hitchmoe 3:31 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
What's all this about undercover photographers taking photos of fans? Saw a video on Twitter this morning of someone filming back at an (alleged) undercover female police officer who was filming a group of fans on her phone. Them the woman who was with her approached the fans who were filming them back and got all confrontational. It was like a scene from Louid Theroux's Scientology movie.

Who are these undercover photographers/filmers, who's behind it all and for what purpose? Any info appreciated.

B6NY B 1:15 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
di_kezio makes a point, hand shit out as people go through turnstiles. That gets noticed as opposed to this. If people question it too at least you can explain face to face too

Bom Stickle 1:07 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
I think she said 78 or so the other day and looking for more using CCTV of the Chelsea game. Didn't mention those that had their bans rescinded though.

Seems a good way to treat fans (customers).

overbyyer 1:07 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Bom Stickle wrote...

Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
It's on here Gank:


Whetstone done fuck all to help spread the word but seems to be lapping up that it didn't take off.

I don't think he's lapping it up, just reported the facts by the look of it. In fairness there is a report further down that link - "Big Brother Is Watching You" in which they raise concerns over the motives of the two unidentified photographers taking footage of fans yesterday.

CaptainBlueAndClaret 12:59 Sun Dec 4
Re: Fans not bans protest v Arsenal
Does anybody know the current figure of West Ham United fans, currently banned by the Duchess of Knightsbridge and the TWO BOB Daves?

Publishing the ongoing number as more and more get life bans will be an embarrassment to Duchess of Knightsbridge and the TWO BOB Daves.

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